Bylaws and Rules

The Promontory is governed by:

The most recent copy of each are available here:


Promontory - Bylaws - strata_eps18651865.pdf


Promontory - Rules & Regulations - strata_eps18651865.pdf

If you suspect that someone may be in violation of a Bylaw within our community, we encourage you to take action by following these simple steps. To report a potential Bylaw violation, please download a copy of our Bylaw Violation or Complaint Form, conveniently located on our home page. This form is designed to be user-friendly and is fillable once you've downloaded it.

After downloading the form, carefully fill it out with all the necessary details regarding the alleged violation.

Once you've completed the form, submit it to for review.

Our dedicated team will promptly review your submission and take the necessary steps to address the reported Bylaw violation.